A pitchfork is a drawing consisting of two intersecting control lines and a series of lines parallel to the first control line. The parallel lines are bounded in width by the extension of the second control line of the drawing, and are extended to the edges of the chart, determining a work area. The relative distance of the parallel lines follows the Fibonacci progression. To add the pitchfork to the chart, simply click on the position on the chart where you want to place it, hold down the mouse button and move towards the second control point that determines the first control point of the second incident line, and release the button. Now moving the mouse on the chart determines the second control point of the second incident line. A further click with the left mouse button fixes the position of the second line and completes the pitchfork insertion procedure. After adding the pitchfork to the chart, you can modify it by clicking on one of the control points to select it and then dragging it to the new position while holding down the left mouse button.
Appearance - Settings related to the drawing mode
Color - Color of the lines
Line Style - Lines drawing style
Line Thickness - Thickness of the lines
Channel Opacity - Opacity of the channel enclosed by the lines
Control Points - Control points of the pitchfork
Point 1 - First control point of the pitchfork
X - Position relative to the X-axis, expressed as a bar number
Y - Position relative to the Y-axis
Point 2 - Second control point of the pitchfork
X - Position relative to the X-axis, expressed as a bar number
Y - Position relative to the Y-axis
Point 3 - Third control point of the pitchfork
X - Position relative to the X-axis, expressed as a bar number
Y - Position relative to the Y-axis
Lines - Pitchfork lines
Lines - Editable list of pitchfork lines
Pitchfork Line Settings
For each parallel line, the following settings are present:
Coefficient - Relative distance to the second control line where to place the first point of the line: the value must be between 0 and 1
Color - Color of the line, if left empty it uses the general color of the Pitchfork
Enabled - Activate/Deactivate the line drawing
Style - Line drawing style, if left empty it uses the general style of the Pitchfork
Thickness - Thickness of the line, if left empty it uses the general thickness of the Pitchfork