MarvelChart en Help




Broker Connection

  • Historical Data

  • Historical Data with Monthly Time Frame

  • Historical Data with Ticks, Ticks/Range, Contracts, Contracts/Day Time Frame

  • Historical Data with bar updates directly from the datafeed

  • Real-Time or Delayed Data

  • Real-Time or Delayed Level 2 Data

  • Footprint, Imbalance, Heatmap Chart Styles

  • Trailing-Stop Orders

Settings on Binance Website

Once you have logged in to the Binance website with your account, you need to enable access for external applications such as MarvelChart. The procedure to follow is as follows:

  1. Log in to your Dashboard;

  2. From the left menu, click on Account, then on API Management;

  3. In the central part of the window, deactivate the checkbox for "Default Security Controls", following the Binance authentication wizard;

  4. At the top of the window, click on the Create API button;

  5. Select System generated, then click on the Next button;

  6. Give the access keys you are creating a name, for example MarvelChart (the name is freely customizable) and click Next;

  7. Use the Authenticator application on your smartphone to confirm your identity;

  8. Copy the API Key and Secret Key values to a text file to be stored on your PC;

  9. Click on Edit restrictions in the top right of the access data box;

  10. Enable the boxes for the features you intend to use via the pair of access keys you just created. It is strongly recommended to activate at least the box for Enable Spot & Margin Trading.

  11. Confirm your choices by following the Binance two-step authentication procedure, via the Authenticator application on your smartphone and email;

Binance API

This procedure is also detailed at this link:

How to Create API Keys on Binance?

Settings on MarvelChart

To access Binance features via MarvelChart, you need to set the login details created with the guided procedure followed on the Binance website in the software.

To set up your login details in MarvelChart, simply open the settings window of MarvelChart, in the Brokers section, and choose Binance from the list of available brokers on the left. Then enter the API Key and Secret Key values obtained in the previous wizard in the corresponding text boxes in MarvelChart, and confirm the settings with the OK button.

Last modified: 27 February 2025